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Patricia Holland
Maya Angelou
Russell M. Nelson
Reflection Journals
This year has changed the way our kids are educated. A lot. Many kids are at home. Many kids are at school, but in different circumstances than any of us are used to. And many parents and caregivers have taken on a more active role in the education of kids. As a...
Homeschool Adventures: Our Reading Classes
When I was researching resources for homeschooling this year, I stressed about how I would teach them math and science and social studies. I wanted to make sure I covered the topics and skills that would be taught in classrooms. But I wasn't worried about the...
When Your Universe is in the NICU: Thoughts for World Prematurity Day
Two years ago I shared with you the story of my twins' birth. They were ten weeks premature and none of us were ready for them to come when they did. But they came. And even though their 7-week stay in the NICU was one of the most difficult times of my life, I am so...
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