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Patricia Holland
Maya Angelou
Russell M. Nelson
Black History Month 2021: What We’re Doing
I think when I finally committed to the decision that I would be homeschooling our kids this year, my very next thought was a celebratory one: I get to teach Black History! And I have made it my goal this whole school year to teach a history with multiple perspectives...
My Word 2021
When I was in high school, I had this incredible opportunity to take voice lessons from a professor at Florida Southern College. It was quite a drive from my house, but the circumstances behind this little miracle opportunity were such that I never considered not...
Reflecting on My Word for 2020: How My Expectations Changed
Every time I sat down to reflect on my Word for 2020, I was internally beating myself up. My head keeps telling my heart, “You failed.” And my heart breaks every time. But my head is only partially right. No, I did not shine in all the ways I hoped I would. And...
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