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Patricia Holland
Maya Angelou
Russell M. Nelson
Growing Faith in 2021–Part 1: Get a Puppy.
I don't outright talk about religion here--even though it is a HUGE part of my personal life--because I feel like it is something vastly personal and I never want any friends to feel excluded because their beliefs do not match my own. But since my word for this year...
Recovery: Thoughts from My Own Front Yard
Nobody has knocked on my door and said, “What’s wrong with your sago palm? It should be over this by now!” It sounds silly to say that about plants, right? Because it’s easy to see that they are different and that they grow differently.
Guest Post: How to Get Control of Your Phone’s Camera Roll (Plus 3 Myths That Hold You Back & How to Get Past Them)
Hi, friends! Ali here. Leslie is such an amazing woman. I have known and loved her for well over a decade, and I have no doubt you will love her, too. I know from experience that clutter can take all forms. If you've ever tried to record a super important event only...
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