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Patricia Holland
Maya Angelou
Russell M. Nelson
Growing Faith in 2021–Part 4: The Treasure Hunt
I don’t outright talk about religion here–even though it is a HUGE part of my personal life–because I feel like it is something vastly personal and I never want any friends to feel excluded because their beliefs do not match my own. But since my word for this year is...
Growing Faith in 2021–Part 3: Move Forward.
I don’t outright talk about religion here–even though it is a HUGE part of my personal life–because I feel like it is something vastly personal and I never want any friends to feel excluded because their beliefs do not match my own. But since my word for this year is...
Growing Faith in 2021–Part 2: Sell Your Home.
I don’t outright talk about religion here–even though it is a HUGE part of my personal life–because I feel like it is something vastly personal and I never want any friends to feel excluded because their beliefs do not match my own. But since my word for this year is...
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