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Patricia Holland
Maya Angelou
Russell M. Nelson
An Unexpected Run: An Unexpected Lesson
The first day I ran, I wasn’t intentionally starting a new fitness program. If I’m being totally honest, I started jogging across the crosswalk because the crossing guards had been holding up traffic for a while already and I felt guilty about keeping all those people...
Don’t Want to Relive It: Thoughts on Hope Through Challenging Times
It’s not Shutterfly’s fault. When they sent me those emails, I know they meant well. The emails came a week apart, but each contained the same message: “Remember these memories from 13 years ago? … We thought you’d like to press rewind and relive these times.” And...
My Favorite Books for BHM–And Beyond!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love Black History Month! I love learning about the amazing heroes and inspiring lives. Something in each of these stories gives me hope for humanity. And this year I have been bummed out that I don't get to do full-scale,...
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