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Patricia Holland

“We must have the courage to be imperfect while striving for perfection.”

Maya Angelou

“Your legacy is every life you’ve touched.”

Russell M. Nelson

“…the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

Joy is the Journey

My One Little Word for 2019 is JOY. Trust me, I did not make the decision lightly. I mean, I wrote a book about joy. I naively thought, What more did I need to study? Turns out, a lot. I won't pretend for a moment that I am perfect or that I have all the answers...

Meet My Friend Jenn: Gift Giver Extraordinaire

I have this friend. She gives the most gorgeous gifts. I mean they are themed, thoughtful, beautiful, and wrapped gorgeously, too! More than once I have gotten a gift from her and thought it was so beautiful, I didn't even want to unpackage it. This is Jenn with her...

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