by Alissa | Sep 12, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog, random thoughts, self-improvement
How many times have you climbed up the ladder of a slide–or a mountain–all the while thinking, “Ooh! I can’t wait to stay up here forever!”? Never, you say? Yeah, me neither. It’s because we know that our climb–no matter how...
by Alissa | Sep 5, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog, motherhood, random thoughts
A Snapshot of Today I am extra tired today. I think it is mostly just what happens after a three-day weekend when routines are paused and we spend an extra day together. Now we recover. Now we get back to our regularly scheduled days. I wake up and work with more...
by Alissa | Aug 29, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog, random thoughts, self-improvement
I recently had the opportunity to listen to an Astronomy Professor talk about stars and her particular areas of study and how they relate to people. Her words were so inspiring! As I thought more and more about her words, I couldn’t help but think of these words...
by Alissa | Aug 22, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog, reading with kids, recommendations, self-improvement
We talk a lot about the importance of reading with our kids and placing emphasis on literacy in the home. One of the most valuable ways to do that is possibly also the most fun: READ! Yes, it’s still a good idea to set aside at least 10 minutes each day to read...
by Alissa | Aug 15, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog
This week we took our first couch out to the curb. We couldn’t even give it away. It was falling apart. Bad. As I stood at our doorway, looking to see if anyone would stop and take our couch before the garbage truck came, I thought about all that our little white...
by Alissa | Aug 8, 2018 | Alissa McClure blog, motherhood, strengthen family
Dear Teacher, There are 22 students assigned to your classroom. They will be a jumbled mess of unsure little ones new to you and new to the school. There will be paperwork, attendance, and 2200 forms you must send home and then track as they are returned in various...